Week 7 – Artist Interview – Yee Li and Maggie Freed

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This week, I interviewed Yee Li and Maggie Freed on their colorful oil paintings. These paintings included geometric shapes. The paintings were slowly created with oil paint, and was a process of mixing colors together, which would consist of eight hour days.

The two artists explained how sometimes they’d have to wait for one part to dry before they can paint the other section. They were inspired to create these abstract paintings because they’ve never done a show before with another partner, and they thought they would create something that would turn out phenomenal.

They had similar things in mind when creating these pieces. With anxieties about life and the use of geometric shapes, they didn’t want to express them with words, yet show it in an abstract way.

Although, they both had somewhat of a different purpose in showing it. Yee’s intention was to show anxieties about life through the painting. But, she wanted others to interpret it in their own way.

Maggie, on the other hand, didn’t necessarily want to convey it in the paining.

Yee was saying that there were no rules when creating these art pieces.

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